Monday, January 27, 2020
Disaster Preparedness Plan
Disaster Preparedness Plan Abstract When I was a child my mother always kept extra water in 2 liter bottles under her sink and would call them her â€Å"Earth quack†water. Little did I know that I grew up on what is called the New Madrid vault which is well over due to happen again, the last time it released was in 1933. I never understood why she did this till I learned through the McCracken County rescue squad and DES, which I was a member of and a USAR trained member, how important it was to keep a survival kit for at least 72 hours, because that is how long that it would take to get any assistance there to help us because of all the rivers and bridges. From personal experience and living through hurricane Ivan and losing everything my self-prepared disaster kit was the second best thing I had done prior to the storm, only coming in second to evacuating. Down south before the season starts, all insurance companies, schools, and newspapers put out a check list as to things to keep in your kit. I know it was a t least 2 days before the military came in with MRE’s for us and the fire department came around handing out ice and water the same day. If it had not been for my kit I have no idea what my family and I would have done. Assignment: Develop a personal preparedness plan for a family of four that would support a the family for three days if the family did not have public utilities and was cut off from supplies Disaster Preparedness There’s not one place on this earth that are not subject to one natural or manmade disaster or another. Each individual needs to know what natural disasters are more prone to their area and prepare for such. The natural disasters are: floods, hurricanes, thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes, winter storms, extreme cold, extreme heat or heat waves causing water shortages, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and debris flow mudslides, tsunamis, and wild land / forest fires. Then there is the man made hazards like: hazardous materials incidents like chemical emergencies, nuclear power plants, and national security emergencies, such as terrorism, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear and radiological attack, and home land security advisory systems. Disaster Supply Kit Disaster Preparedness helps individuals prepare for any type of emergency conditions rather it is man-made or of natural. Depending on where you live, will also determine what kind of preparedness you may need. There is also the basic preparedness packs that all individuals needs to have. FEMA and the Red Cross offer several different suggestions to help one prepare for any type of disaster. Nearly every community in the US is subject to some kind of natural disaster, so it would make sense to prepare all homes for all the different kinds of disasters. Disaster Supply Kits Individuals need to gather water, food and emergency supplies to last at least three days or longer if possible. The only issue I had was where to store these supplies and in what. If you stored the supplies in your house and lost it you would not be able to get to the supplies you had stored. So I ended up taking a large trash can that could be sealed and putting it in the garage, sealed all the openings and used sealed Rubbermaid or other similar manufacturer’s plastic. The following is what FEMA suggests people store for a disaster of any kind; Supply of Drinking Water A minimum of one gallon of water per person per day, either buy bottled water or store tap you can use it as-is if it has been commercially treated. For well water or untreated public water, follow treatment instructions provided by your public health service. Seal the water containers and store them in a cool dark place and change out every six months with fresh water. Choosing Food Supplies When storing your food you need to make sure and date your food and replace them every six months. Pack foods in watertight bags or sturdy plastic containers. Canned foods and ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables, such as peanut butter, crackers, granola bars, cereals, trail mix, boxed or canned juices, milk and soups, instant coffee and/or tea, sugar, salt, and pepper. One needs to remember to bring a manual can opener to open several of the above foods. First Aid Supplies First aid manual, scissors, sterile bandages, gauze pads, cotton balls, safety pins, latex gloves, antibiotic ointment, cleansing agents like isopropyl alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide, germicidal soaps, moistened novelettes, needles, tweezers, scissors, thermometer aspirin, antidiarrheal medication, antacids, vitamins, and enough of your medication to last for those three days, esp. medications for diabetics, heart patients, and transplanted medications. Essential Tools and Emergency Supplies It is very important to also keep readily available things such as: batteries, battery powered radio, a weather radio, flashlight, matches, wrench, pliers, shovel, duct tape, scissors, plastic sheeting, fire extinguisher, paper, pens, pencils, needles and thread, plastic trash bags, hand sanitizer, bleach, household documents with contact numbers and important documents. Other Items you may want to put in but is not essential is something for the kids to do, like books, games and toys. Comfortable clothes and shoes, blankets, bedding and sleeping bags, as well as supplies for babies, elderly, and pets. FEMA’s Four Steps to Safety. Fema has four basic steps to develop a family disaster plan which can be applied on any disasters. The first step is to find out what could happen to you and the risk of injury that could occur if you stay in your home. With that in mind you also need to figure out what type of disasters most likely to happen in your area, and how you should prepare for each individual disasters. One also needs to know what their workplace, their children’s school or day care center, or other places where your family spends time disaster plan is. The second step is to create a family disaster plane by talking to your family members as how to respond if one occurs. Pick two places to meet if it occurs at a time that everyone is not at home and stick to it. One should also develop an emergency communication plan so if you are unable to meet up, you should have a single person designated outside of your disaster are where all family members can call to pass on information about their health and where about. One should know their easiest most convenient escape routes to take if evacuations are needed. References Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From To. Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name. Figures Figure 1. [Include all figures in their own section, following references (and footnotes and tables, if applicable). Include a numbered caption for each figure. Use the Table/Figure style for easy spacing between figure and caption.] For more information about all elements of APA formatting, please consult the APA Style Manual, 6th Edition.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Define the Key Terms Essay
Application: Generally, a function on any kind of computer or electronic device that is useful to the user, which can give the user a reason to want to own and use the device. More specifically, software that performs some useful function for a user. Computer network: A combination of many components that work together so that many different devices can communicate. Computer networking: The gerund form of the term computer network. Email: Electronic mail. An application in which the user can type text and attach other files to create the electronic equivalent of a postal letter, and send the email to another person using his or her email address. Enterprise network: A network owned and operated by a company, with that company being somewhat larger than typical, generally (but not exactly) with more than 1000 employees. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, The protocol used by web browsers and web servers to define the format of URLs (web addresses) and the messages used to exchange web objects. Internet/the Internet: The global network formed by interconnecting most of the networks on the planet, with each home and company network connecting to an Internet service provider (ISP), which in turn connects to other ISPs. Link: A generic term for any network cable or wireless communications path between two devices over which bits can be transmitted. Node: A generic term for any networking device that sits on the end of links, for the purpose of both connecting links to create physical paths and to make decisions about how to forward data through the network. Protocol: A set of rules that different devices and/or software must follow so that the network works correctly. Video frame: A grid of pixel locations of a chosen width by height that contains the lights/colors to be shown in a video at a single point in time. Voice call: A more modern term for a telephone call that does not use the word telephone, instead emphasizing the fact that the traffic that flows between the endpoints is voice. Web address: Text that identifies details about one object in a network so that a client can request that object from a server. An informal term for URL. Web browser: Literally, software controlled directly by a user that requests web pages from a web server, and after receiving a page, displays the web page in a window. More generally, this term refers to both the software and the hardware on which it executes. Web page: In a web browser, all the text, images, video, and sound that fill the window of the browser when the user opens a link to some web address. Web server: Literally, software that stores web pages and web objects, listens for requests for those pages, and sends the contents of those pages/objects to clients. More generally, this term refers to both the software and the hardware on which it executes.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Life Span Development Essay
Michael Joseph Jackson was born August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009. He was well known for being an recording artist, dancer, singer-songwriter and philanthropist. He was a famous icon for over four decades. Michael was the eighth child of the Jackson’s family and shared his fame as being one of the Jackson 5’s along with his brothers. He began his solo career in 1971 and was a music icon by the early 80’s. Looking at the story of his life I feel that his environment had more influence on his psychological development than heredity. The family dwelling was normal as to be expected with the exception of what I would call living as a star in the spotlight. Heredity had little to do with Michael’s development and personality. I can say that his father was a person that may have had a compulsive personality disorder because he was really demanding thinking that would make the group achieve success better. In the end result the father hindered the group more than he helped. He took away their childhood because they were forced to practice or rehearse during times they should have been having fun as kids. Michael developed many personality issues with his success. First of all, there were several aspects of Michael personal life that was a controversy. To begin with changing his personal appearances was greatly publicized. Michael Jackson suffered from this disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). With this condition a person suffers with shame and embarrassment and even disgust with their physical appearance. 75% of those with BDD seek out either plastic surgery or dermatological treatments in order to change their appearance. (Shepphird, 2006-2009). Michael Jackson had a total of 13 plastic surgeries’ where he tried to resemble Peter Pan’s image. This was also characterized by an Erotic Identity Disorder. His face was very unnatural looking. The most erotic behavior was when Michael decided to bleach his skin. Michael also was known for having a eating disorder. He admitted this himself when he admitted the pain from his father’s abuse. He suffered from bulimia at age seven. This followed him to adulthood where he was a very frail and weak adult. (Lauren, 2011). His stressful life and deprived childhood could be a cause for this disorder. There was a child molestation case against Jackson with a 13 year old boy in which resulted in a drug addiction caused the bulimia to get worse. Michael’s body was skeletal and his body was extremely pail. It is not known as of yet if this disorder contributed to his death. The last disorder known to have been suffered by Michael is a sleep disorder. Some research has shown that a person that one with less than sufficient sleep is more prone to cause accidents. I can also be related to affecting relationships and mental prowess; it makes you feel â€Å"disconnected†from the world. When your lack of sleep is caused by a tough deadline or a common cold, one normally does not have any problems recovering a normal pattern, but if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, this guide to managing common sleep problems and disorders can help you be well on your way to experiencing healthy, restorative sleep. (Barston, 2010). Michael Jackson didn’t have much of a child hood at the age of 5 he was applauded for his voice at a recital performed at his school during Christmas. At the young age of 11, he got to sing on lead vocals on the band formed by him and his brothers. The band, ‘The Jackson 5’ released a number of singles before being signed by Motown Records label in 1968. The magazine the Rolling Stone described young Jackson as a child prodigy, as he used to sing famous numbers of Sam Cooke, James Brown, Ray Charles, and Stevie Wonder like a grown up. (iloveindia. com, 2010). This was a huge impact on the social development of the pop star. Many may argue that the other siblings were not affected therefore Michael should have been the same but it is well documented that Joe Jackson the pop stars father was harder on Michael than any other child. Joe Jackson feels that he was hard to make Michael who he was a famous singer/dancer. As Michael got older he relied on support from friend in which he considered his family like Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Brooke Shields, and Oprah Winfery. Jackson’s bizarre assortment of friends and acquaintances only added to the weirdness that characterized his life. Macaulay Culkin, the actor who was well know in the movie Home Alone was a good friend of Michael whom took extra measures to defend him saying he had shared a bed with the pop star and never been molested. The comment may have helped in the defense end but really made American look at the star in disgust. Macaulay Culkin felt as though the accusations were insane. While listening to the Larry King interview in 2004 I thought it was strange that Michael Jackson a grown man had invited Culkin to his house at age 11. Macaulay Culkin even appeared in Jackson’s video Black or White. In Culkin’s opinion Jackson related to children because they didn’t care who he was or what his past looked like. But indeed this was the opinion of a child. The relationship was very child like whereas Culkin talked to Michael like he was a normal human being, played video games together and lived out his childhood fantasies. (Guardian. co. uk  © Guardian News and Media Limited 2011, 2013). The two different Theories of personality I can relate Michael to would be the Psychodynamic Theory and the Humanist Theory. The Psychodynamic Theory is heavenly influenced by childhood experiences. According to psychodynamic theories, factors which contribute to child abuse include being abused as a child, immaturity, social isolation, a personal history of a family crisis, and drug or alcohol problems. Looking at the direction Michael’s life took it seems that his responses were influenced by the abused he was adhered to in his childhood. Joe Jackson indeed was really abusive to Michael and those childhood experiences hindered his for life. In an interview with Martin Bashir, Michael stated â€Å"I never look at myself in the mirror, I had very bad pimples and acne and it was very difficult for me to face the public looking so ugly. †According to the Humanists Theory the focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self. Michael Jackson was not satisfied with himself no matter what surgery he had. He was powerful with lots of money but needed to get help with buliding self regard or their self concept. The theoretical approach I feel that should have been acted on is the psychodynamic psychotherapy which should have been started when Michael was a child. His father should have gotten help when the kids were stripped of their childhood but instead they were forced like slaves. When I look at all the childhood celebrities they are always in the spot like because they re forced to be adults to perform, sing, and dance when they should be children. This in my opinion is a sort of rebellion. In conclusion, I feel that money is not everything you have to weigh the pros and con’s when making choices especially if it strips away childhood. Many people say Michael Jackson was an accident waiting to happen but yet no one could help him get the psychological help he needed to save his life. He was very t alented and no one on this earth will be able to fill his shoes. So with that being said I can say rest in peace Michael Jackson.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on Fraud, Waste and Abuse Research Project - 3181 Words
Fraud, Waste and Abuse Research Project Combating fraud in the private sector is a difficult task. Trying to combat fraud in the public sector is daunting. In 1999 15.7% of the American workforce were employed by a government entity (federal, state, and local).[1] Mirroring society, government will have its share of perpetrators. The difference from the private sector is in the scope of the fraud committed, the loss of the public trust, the blaring headlines from news media, and difficulty in making necessary changes to combat the problems. A good definition of Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) can be found in U.S. Air Force Regulations and can be applied to any government (or private) organization, it states: Fraudâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Any†¦show more content†¦Everyone has seen news headlines when someone is caught in a multi-million dollar scam. The public takes note when the government spends $400 on a single hammer or $660 on a toilet seat.[4] But what about Joe M. Ployee who takes a few pens or pencils or other office supplies home from his job at the Department of Labor? Or the city engineer who runs personal errand in his government vehicle during work hours? It is possible that these employees didn’t know they were committing FWA. Education about these transgressions must be an essential part of any training for public employees, elected, appointed or hired. Waste All organizations strive to streamline operations, which in turn should lead to saving money. Fighting the wasting of resources should be a top priority for any government entity and particularly for supervisors, managers, and executives. In the public sector this is particularly true because the citizens in effect supply the resources wasted. The public trust should not be abused by careless or needless spending. However, because of the bureaucratic nature of any government agency, some waste cannot readily be avoided. The laws and regulations that have been duly enacted to secure justified expenditures in and of themselves can cause waste. Several examples of waste can be found at theShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Using Predictive Analytics Software1098 Words  | 5 Pagesanalytics software to flag likely instances of reimbursement fraud before claims are paid. The Fraud Prevention System helps identify the highest risk health care providers for fraud, waste and abuse in real time, and has already stopped, prevented or identified $115 million in fraudulent paymentsâ€â€saving $3 for every $1 spent in the program’s first year. †¢ During the most violent years of the war in Afghanistan, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) deployed teams of data scientists and visualizersRead MoreBenefits Of Using Predictive Analytics Software1097 Words  | 5 Pagesanalytics software to flag likely instances of reimbursement fraud before claims are paid. 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