Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Morality Of Slave Labor Versus Free Market Capitalism
Matthew Bradley HIST 3401 FINAL EXAM SECTION A During the mid-19th century there was a fight about the morals of slave labor versus free market capitalism. Abolitionists tended to support capitalism, or even socialism, and would argue that slave labor is immoral. Supporters of slavery would argue that Christianity allowed for slave labor, and it also created a more equal society; one much closer to the socialist dream than European philosophers could hope for. The image of â€Å"Lowell Offering†depicts free market labor in which the worker is paid for the fruits of their labor. â€Å"Slavery Justified†by George Fitzhugh is a moral argument in favor of the slave system, suggesting it provides more equality than the abolitionist view of â€Å"equality†and â€Å"liberty provides. George Fitzhugh in â€Å"Slavery Justified†explains how slavery leads to increased equality and social cohesion. He also suggests that there are racial differences which make certain groups more suitable for certai n types of jobs. Slavery also lead to increased production, with crop yields growing even as the population remained stagnant. He suggested that in Europe there was an attempt to become socialistic even though it was not possible while maintaining the important of paid labor. Fitzhugh demonstrated that the poor were better under a system of slavery rather than market labor. Whether in the North or in Europe, the workingShow MoreRelatedThe United States Is A Relatively Young Country When Compared1842 Words  | 8 Pagesyears, it has managed to shape international affairs and become a global power. This does not mean that this transformation from a small group of colonies that band together to fight off their colonial oppressors into a leading nation in the global market went smoothly. 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